Count your blessings, or so goes the here's my list.
I'm grateful for...
1) beautiful kids who do their best to make me happy. They do great in school and occasionally clean their rooms when I beg them to, and always make me laugh when I'm down.
2) an amazing husband who puts up with my moods, my pains, my fits, and my overall grumpiness; who tells me he loves me many times every day and means it; and who does the dishes every morning before he goes to work.
3) wonderful friends who give me fun times to look forward to, who let me share my burdens and who always lift my load...and who allow me to do the same for them when I can.
4) a job that lets me spend the maximum time possible with my family. I was pretty spoiled for over ten years being able to be a full-time mom...and now that I have to work again, I'm grateful that the job I have is ideal for me as a mom.
5) the healing power of a good cry and a long prayer...and, hopefully soon, a good doctor.
6) a Savior that knows me and loves me and has promised all of us that everything will be okay in the end no matter what, and if we have faith and serve Him with all we have, we will be blessed beyond our ability to receive.
7) my blog. I've always found writing to be a very cathartic experience, so I'm grateful that I can write my thoughts, share them with others and read the responses of those who care about me or have good advice. It really helps me to get some much needed perspective!
8) my dog. He's annoying and eats anytihng plastic, but he likes to cuddle and petting him makes me happy. Is that weird or what?
9) sweater weather. The cooler weather is my favorite and I get to bring out all my warm fuzzy clothes.
10) music. I love listening to my kids practice the piano or flute and even enjoy making the attempt to play myself. There's nothing like hymns and Christmas carols to brighten my day!
11) chocolate! If by chance, this blessing counting didn't work, I'm glad I have chocolate for a fallback fact, I'm going for the backup right now! No sense in taking chances!
Wow! You know, I really do feel better...
Tom Lake by Ann Patchett
1 year ago
Hey Tonya,
You have an amazing way with words. What a boost this was to me. Thanks for your thoughts. I am praying for you. Sorry you are having some discouraging moments. I am so glad to have you as my friend. I love your confidence, your commitment to the gospel and your beautiful smile :) Have a good sleep! Love ya!
Thank you for this post. If you look at my blog, i am listing my frustrations and some blessings too. Seems that we are on the same page with that one.
Hope all is well. Wish I had a doc name for you. . . I am sure I could find one here :)
you are a great author. I am still waiting for your first published book! Can I just Ditto your blessings? You got them all!
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