Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's Been a Long Time!

I can't believe that I haven't posted since October 31st! I'm going to try to get caught up before the New Year begins. There have been a few fun times between now and then, but mostly I've been busy, busy, busy with work, school, and kids! Facebook is more my speed for quick updates lately.

We had some fall fun playing in the leaves. Shaylie loves playing in the leaves! It seems like our tree is the last one to lose it's leaves each year, so it's a test of patience. But, once they've fallen, it seems like the only natural thing is to bury her completely! :)

Scott sure loves his puppies! I couldn't help but snap this photo of Scott and Cricket napping while Bubba kept watch. Is there anything sweeter than a boy and his dog?

 Taylor had a flute solo this year for the Christmas concert. We are always so proud of our girl! She is amazingly talented and has gifts I only dream of having. It is pure pleasure for me to listen to her practice and play.

Shaylie is growing up so fast! I can't believe how grown up she is looking these days. She's such a joy to me--with her fun sense of humor and her super clever wit! She is going to be a lovely young lady and I can't wait until everyone else can see what I see in her! 

Taylor's soccer season came to an end and she decided that she wanted to tryout for the Pine View Basketball team. She wasn't sure she really wanted to do it until halfway through the tryouts, then she just knew her life would end if she didn't make the team. ;) Luckily for all of us, she did. She has been picking up on the game beautifully and even though their team is struggling, it's fun to see them improve each week. She's played on both the freshman team and the sophomore team, so she gets lots of playing time. 

There is also much teenage drama this year as Taylor is in the middle of her first romance. I won't say more since I know she would kick me but I am enjoying this stage of her life. She is so darling and the boy she likes is one that I really like too! I just keep telling her to have fun and know that I'm keeping an Eagle Eye out!

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