I was called yesterday to be the, and I quote, "Ward Bulletin, Ward Newsletter, Ward Website Person." I accepted the call gladly, but I would like to humbly request an official title change. Whenever I am asked what I do now, by the time I finish saying it, they don't care anymore or they know more than they really wanted to in the first place. I think Ward Communications Liasion would be good. Or Ward Public Relations Facilitator.
Either that or everyone else should change their titles to be more along the lines of mine: the Bishop could be " the Ward In-charge of Everything Person" and the Elders Quorum President can be the "Ward Mover & Orchard Assignment Person." The Ward Chorister can be the "Ward Song Singer and Arm Waver Person." And, of course, the Primary President can be the "Ward Run Around Like a Crazy-Person Person." And don't forget the Relief Society President or the "Ward Really In Charge of Everything Person."
Anyway, I'm excited to take on this new challenge. It's a good job for me since I have the SKILLS and I enjoy working on my computer. It is going to require me to know more than I usually do about everything going on in the Ward. This could be a good thing, since I usually am pretty oblivious. Hopefully, I won't have to chase down too many people for filler. I've already had a couple people email me with info. So, Yay! Unfortunately, Julianne (my predecessor) did an AWESOME job and is leaving me with high expectations...but I'm okay. Everything will be All Right! And now she gets to be the Ward Leader of Song Singers in Very Small Numbers Person...!
Blog at you later...and feel free to tell me what your calling is...
Tom Lake by Ann Patchett
1 year ago
You will be AWESOME! I think the name change of your calling is very appropriate. LOL at the long names for other callings.
You are so funny and clever when you write. I love it! Can i hire you to do my blog.
Tonya, I love the way you write, you need to be a writer!! I think that is your destiny;) My sister today told me that she thinks I finally found my "calling" as a photographer. She is not LDS either!! I am the Cub Scout "do everything that everyone else doesn't want to do person":) And the "teach the 2 counselors stuff they really don't need to know for Round Table person" I'm not complaining though:)
I guess the New Media works...today I was set apart as the Communications Specialist! Thanks Bro. Lingwall.
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